Like many people, Covid brought about a change in our thinking and necessitated a new paradigm, a new template for how we would like to live our lives going forward. Again, like many others we picked up some bad habits during lockdown but there was also a generosity of spirit in communities and a willingness to help others less fortunate than ourselves.

This got us thinking about what we did for others: what our contribution to a better society looked like and we decided that we could do more.

Our recent working background has been largely in publishing magazines so that’s where we decided to start but we had no financial backing, so the next best thing was to publish online and that’s what we did in December 2021 when we released Issue 1 of Be Phenomenal Women.

Be Phenomenal Women is a magazine created by women for women.

It’s editorially led and deals with issues directly relevant to women no matter their colour, age, sexuality, faith – all are welcome. It’s also run as a non-profit venture and thanks to the Tampon Tax Fund we have a group of women who have trained in feature writing, podcasts and vlogs making up an editorial team. The magazine is now available not only digitally but is also printed.

Our aim is to drop some positive messages into your daily headspace. It’s easy to fall back into our pre-pandemic ways and forget the valuable lessons we have learned since, so we need a wee reminder now and then of the good things in life.

This is what we hope Be Phenomenal Women will do.

We want you to join us and spread some positive vibes and while Be Phenomenal Women is all about women, men are welcome to enjoy its content also!